Mi Mi’s Post!
I’ve hacked into Apsara’s account and stolen her blog. That’s right, I can do whatever I want. After all, I am dominant, I am the alpha female, I am Mi Mi.
I don’t think Apsara quite knows what she’s talking about. I mean, she was going to feed you the WRONG information. Us orang utans DON’T under ANY circumstances steal cameras and wallets . . . although those little i-pod touches you have are, quite attractive!!
I’ve got to make my bed EVERY night. I’m not talking straightening the covers and turning down the sheets, I’m talking gathering together branches and leaves to place in the fork of a tree. Humans are LAZY! That’s right I said it all of you reading this blog are LAZY! You all just pull up the doona on your beds while the magnificent Mi Mi makes my own marvelous tree forked bed every night!
I’m strictly Arboreal! In fact we orang utans are the only primates who live ONLY in the trees! But we can’t jump, which is why our enclosure is covered in lianas for us to swing on, it’s how we get around! I just couldn’t get over is the fact that they called us “Man of the forest” I mean HELLO people there are women here too! Finally women got a quality, instead of man they have called us person of the forest!! Still not woman but it’s ok!