“At Ongcor, there are ...ruins of such grandeur... that, at the first
view, one is filled with profound admiration, and cannot but ask what has
become of this powerful race, so civilized, so enlightened, the authors of
these gigantic works?”
(Henri Mouhot, 1826-1861)
Mouhot called Angkor – Ongcor. He didn’t discover Angkor Wat or the other
temples even though many people think he did. The Khmer, Cambodians, always
knew it was there. BUT he did tell
the Western world about it. He did drawings and described the spectacular
temples to Europeans which seemed to them AMAZING.
was first Hindu, then Buddhist. It is the LARGEST religious monument in the
WORLD! It means Temple City.
a moat around the temple, which I saw from the air when we were flying in.
There has been a lot of restoration of the temple which has mostly been done
by other countries.
are APSARAS everywhere on the bas relief at Angkor Wat. There are Apsaras in
the other temples but not as many as there are in Angkor Wat.
An Apsara is a female spirit
of the clouds and waters in Hindu and Buddhist mythology. Mum
used to tell me the name Apsara meant “heavenly angel” but I know they are also
celestial nymphs.
I got this from the internet:
Apsaras are beautiful, supernatural female beings. They are youthful
and elegant, and superb in the art of dancing. As
ethereal beings who inhabit the skies, and are often depicted taking flight, or at service of a god, they may
be compared to angels.

There are beautiful bas-relief along the long walls - of Apsaras and of different scenes in Hindu mythology and daily life.

Khmer classical dance, the indigenous
ballet-like performance art of Cambodia, is frequently called "Apsara Dance".
Apsaras are also in Indonesia,
especially in Java at Borobudur. Mum says she wants to take me there too!
This is one of my favorites - an Apsara emerging from a wall. [and Apsara braces!!!!!]

There are lots of things named after me, like the Apsara Hotel, the Apsara Bakery, Apsara Computer school and I saw “Free Apsara Dancing Live” in neon lights! (Mum took a photo).
Great name to have there. I think Ta Prom was my favourite, all those tree roots were magnificent