Mi Mi’s Post!
I’ve hacked into Apsara’s account and stolen her blog. That’s right, I can do whatever I want. After all, I am dominant, I am the alpha female, I am Mi Mi.
I don’t think Apsara quite knows what she’s talking about. I mean, she was going to feed you the WRONG information. Us orang utans DON’T under ANY circumstances steal cameras and wallets . . . although those little i-pod touches you have are, quite attractive!!
I’ve got to make my bed EVERY night. I’m not talking straightening the covers and turning down the sheets, I’m talking gathering together branches and leaves to place in the fork of a tree. Humans are LAZY! That’s right I said it all of you reading this blog are LAZY! You all just pull up the doona on your beds while the magnificent Mi Mi makes my own marvelous tree forked bed every night!
I’m strictly Arboreal! In fact we orang utans are the only primates who live ONLY in the trees! But we can’t jump, which is why our enclosure is covered in lianas for us to swing on, it’s how we get around! I just couldn’t get over is the fact that they called us “Man of the forest” I mean HELLO people there are women here too! Finally women got a quality, instead of man they have called us person of the forest!! Still not woman but it’s ok!
My home is being threatened by some, horrible humans. They are logging the forests and putting our lives at risk because if all the forests are gone, where do we live? I still remember lying on the forest floor whispering “Ma ma, are you there?” I got no response she was lifeless, killed by a falling trunk. Caged for eight days I was finally rescued by an orang utan rehabilitation center. Our forests are being destroyed to plant Palm Oil plantations. How do people NOT realise what they’re doing . . . or do they mean what they do?
The little kids around me are really annoying. Although, they’re orphans, like I was. They were brought here after their mum’s died when the forest was cut down, like me. It would have to be the only reason because orang utan mums NEVER abandon their child.
I only knew the father of my children for 10 days, you see that’s how long the courting process is. He then heads off to do his own thing, while I, like all orang utan mums, teach our children everything they need to know about living alone - we teach them for 7 to 8 years. They’ve got to learn to be resilient and independent because we live mostly solitary lives.
Chikita in particular is very cheeky. She uses her cuteness to her own advantage and is being sponsored by EVERYONE, including Apsara. I can definitely see the “HUMAN” side of Chikita because she doesn’t want to climb trees and is too lazy to make her own BED (Or nest)!! She’s a bit of a princess I must say but then again, she learnt from me!

I spend half my day looking for food - honey, young leaves, bark and flowers. BUT, this feeding platform saves me hours of my day .. so I sometimes come down here to grab a snack. It’s also really fun, it’s so entertaining watching all the humans huddled together trying to grab photos of me, I told you I was special, “Paparazzi”! I actually don’t know if humans have eyes because all I see are black rectangles covering their faces. I can’t believe how stupid they look! AND they say we have 96.4% of the human DNA and are the closest living thing to humans - but I reckon we are way more intelligent. We only worry about food and shelter and looking after our kids - our life is SO much more relaxing!
Apsara thought she was going to have the last word! I mean, she is going back to Sydney tomorrow and thought she was going to finish her blog. BUT, I managed to take over - and the marvellous Mimi had the last word! Alpha females always do!
Wow Mi Mi is articulate, I guess that is cause they have such close DNA