Monday 22 April 2013

Australia is 34 times bigger than Laos in land size 
BUT it had 22.6 million people, and Laos has has about 6 million

So Laos population is about 3.75 of Australia's  [22/6=3.75]

It is a land locked country, which means it has no oceans. It is surrounded by Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar (also known as Burma), Thailand. 
AND it is covered in forests which makes it hard to build towns.

I found out that an A320 travels at 800 miles per hour (which is 800km/hr) when it's at an altitude of 36,000 feet.

Hanoi (where we're going first) is NE of Singapore, and is about 2200 km away ("as the crow the flies"). So to work out how long the trip will take, what I had to do was divide 800 into 2200 which is 2 and 3/4. This means it should take 2hrs and 45 mins. BUT it takes longer because the plane doesn't go as fast when it ascends and descends. It takes 3 hours and 15 mins. 

We are leaving Singapore at 1pm, and Hanoi in an hour behind. So guess what time it will be (local time) when we arrive in Hanoi? 
I'll tell you, if you don't want to do the maths which Mum is making me do.

If we leave Singapore at 1pm and the flight takes 3hrs & 15 mins it will = 4.15pm in Singapore time, but Hanoi is one hr behind, so - 1hr is 3.15pm. We have to wait in Hanoi airport for 3 hours before we fly to Luang Prabang. Oh no, I think Mum is going to make me work out how far that is, and how fast a turbo-prop plane goes. Don't email and tell her!

It is HORRIBLE having a teacher as a Mum!


  1. Ha ha you will thank her one day when someone tries to rip you off in a market and you can quickly do the sums in your head and say heh that's not right!!

  2. I agree with Prue, Apsara. Think about all the wonderful trips that you have been on with Mum. When you want to go off travelling with your friends when you're older, all these skills will come in very handy!!
