Monday 29 April 2013

Pak Ou caves

 The Tam Ting Caves can only be reached by boat. There are 4000 Buddhas sitting and standing on every crevice, they look like 100 classes waiting for their school photo to be taken. 

Laotians also visit the caves, because its a holy site. They make pilgrimages there, a bit like Muslims go to Mecca, to give offerings. 

The entrance to the caves
We gave offerings also. Even though I'm not Buddhist, I always give incense or flowers because I want to show respect because it's a special place for Buddhists, and I gave them for my birthmother who was Buddhist and Christian. 

Mum also gives offerings. She says it to give thanks for me!

We then caught a boat back across the Mekong - for Mekong fish & rice. 

Mekong Fish - had to watch for bones!
Oh, and this is to show how DRY the land is on the banks of the Mekong. In two months this soil will be completely under water.

1 comment:

  1. If you don't watch out your mother may end up with as many Buddhas as this at home!
