Thursday 4 October 2012

Cham Chao


It's always special dropping into Cham Chao  (the Missionaries of Charity) which is now really a hospice for the dying but also looks after kids who have HIV. When I lived there as a baby, there were lots more kids because some didn't have HIV, but those kids have moved to other places now.

When 22 year old Reaksmey saw us through the window she screamed "OOHHHH" and raced out to give me a suffocating hug. She has known me since I was a bump, and is very special to me.

The nannies quickly followed behind and there were more suffocating hugs because they had their baby Trinita in their arms. They also knew me as a bump, and they knew Mum very well too.

I love going to visit because it gives my nannies, Reaksmey and the Sisters so much joy to know that they are still important to me. They gave ME so much when I was a teeny tiny baby.


Later we went to Tabitha, another NGO which has helped over 60,000 families. I met more people who knew me as baby Trinita. These are photos of ladies who are making the Tabitha silk to get money. Mum bought some silk to help them, and to have for herself.  Buying things from Tabitha is HELPING the poorer Cambodians and ALL the money goes directly to them - it's how they make a living.

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