These are small
offering baskets called ‘canang sari ' that Balinese offer to their Gods
three times a day.
It’s basically a ritual of giving back what has been given to you by the Gods. It is
a sharing that is not based upon fear, but on gratitude to the richness of
The offerings
appease the spirits and brings prosperity and good health to the family. It is
a duty and an honour at the same time, and for the Balinese it’s a very natural thing to do to maintain a good
relationship between people and spirits.
Balinese Hinduism
is strongly influenced by animism and naturalism, where the power of spirits
are in all objects and elements of life. All elements of nature are from the
supreme spirits.
Good spirits
are believed to reside in the mountains, whereas the seas are home to demons
and ogres. There are also the spirits of the dead.
Hinduism revolves around having balance and harmony between the different
elements in life and the spirits in their afterlife. The balance in life comes
from a harmonious relationship between the spirits other human beings, and the
nature that surrounds us. Offerings are given to appease the gods three times a
day, they are footpaths, in restaurants, in bedrooms, in shops – a bit like
alters in Chinese homes.
And here are some other colours of Ubud

Yes Prue they are native birds, but to the Asian side of the Wallace Line. These ones were tame because they were on a tree at an Art Gallery Mum and I went to.